Publicans welcome progress on Rural Hackney Scheme
The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland has warmly welcomed the reported progress made with respect to the rural hackney licence scheme proposed originally by Minister Alan Kelly in the Taxi Regulation Review Report.
10 June 2013
“The current hackney licence plans could see a low-cost and reduced barrier to entry level for a hackney licence and would go a long way to addressing the current chronic shortage of transport options in isolated areas,” stated the VFI, “Rural transport, or the lack thereof, is a major issue and this is an innovative and sensible solution.”
VFI President Gerry Rafter, added, “The plight of those living in rural Ireland has been the cause of much debate for some time now. Local amenities are coming under constant threat with Garda stations, post offices, pubs and schools closing at an alarming rate. This hackney scheme needs to happen and we strongly welcome reports which state that this will become a reality in the near future.
“The Local Area Hackney License would help alleviate some of the problems of rural isolation affecting so many of the older community in particular, for whom walking to the local village or town is not an option for a variety of reasons. It will make for a far easier entry to the hackney market on a local basis.”
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