Protect your business against newspaper theft

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The expense of being without a number of Sunday titles due to theft can be eliminated with a secure delivery point, says the CSNA.



22 November 2010

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CSNAIn the 80s and 90s, the theft of Sunday newspapers in particular was prevalent.  These papers found their way to be sold outside churches, into unregistered retailers and vended on the streets.

The combination of improved security bins and more lucrative ways of making money through the illegal drug trade, saw a very significant fall-off of thefts of papers from retailer premises.  Unfortunately, we have persistent reports that this costly (to the retailer) practice is becoming established once more and urge all retailers to protect themselves from this nasty and pernicious practice.  The frustration and expense involved in being without a number of Sunday titles can be eliminated with a secure delivery point. All CSNA members can acquire a customised bin at special rates, so don’t wait until the thieves visit your shop to act.



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