One to watch: Belfast Retail Crimewatch

Retail Crimewatch is an information and image sharing exclusion order scheme within Belfast One, which is provided free to retailers
16 March 2021
A comprehensive crimewatch scheme has emerged within the Belfast One district, which groups such as the Convenience Stores & Newsagents Association and of course, the team here at ShelfLife, will be keeping a close eye on as a model of retail crime prevention.
Retail Crimewatch is an information and image sharing exclusion order scheme provided free to retailers between Belfast City Centre Management (BCCM) and the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) funded by the Business Improvement District (BID).
This crime reduction initiative allows retailers to bar individuals from their store by serving civil exclusion orders on those found committing retail crime on their premises. Each month members receive new images of individuals who are prolific shoplifters across Northern Ireland. These individuals have been convicted through the courts and are banned from entering the premises of all members. The scheme currently has 400 members. The PSNI also have the ability to securely broadcast messages through the Retail Crimewatch online platform for example counterfeit currency warnings and travelling offender alerts.
The exclusion order advises the offender that from the date the order is issued, they are no longer permitted to enter the premises nor any other business that is a member of the scheme for a period of 12 months.
For further information on the scheme, click here.
If you would like to share your thoughts on this initiative, we’d be delighted to hear from you. Please contact the editor at
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