New research shows food sector key to Irish tourism and export growth

Irish food producers are contributing to the economy by buying home grown produce
14 May 2012
Over 500 food producers marketed by Good Food Ireland, contribute in the region of €50 million to the Irish economy through their purchasing of Irish produce, a new report has found.
The report compiled by Grant Thornton, highlights the importance of linking food with tourism to create new market opportunities and drive demand for Irish food and hospitality services.
Research found four out of every five of the group’s approved providers support the view that local Irish food is a strong economic driver for their business, with almost 90% of the opinion that marketing of food tourism is important for sustaining business growth.
What is more, through increased marketing and awareness of sourcing, 92% of Good Food Ireland approved providers have increased their purchasing of Irish food over the last three years.
The report also found that despite challenging economic conditions, two out of every three Good Food Ireland approved providers met earnings expectations in 2011 and four out of five of them expect growth in 2012.
Of those surveyed, 24% are currently exporting with a quarter of those expecting an increase on this percentage in the coming year.
For more information on the organisation, visit
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