New newspaper ‘i’ is launched in Ireland

New 'compact' newspaper 'i' will soon be available at Irish newsagents shelves
New 'compact' newspaper 'i' will soon be available at Irish newsagents shelves

Newspread is distributing new 'compact' newspaper 'i' in the Republic of Ireland.



11 February 2011

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The Independent newspaper in the UK has launched a new daily title called i, which ShelfLife has learned will be available across Ireland from 14 February.

The new concise paper will share the same editorial staff as The Independent, and will be aimed at attracting “readers and lapsed readers of quality newspapers”.

“Time-poor newspaper readers, and especially commuters, have been telling us for years that they are inundated with information and just don’t have the time to read a quality newspaper on a regular basis,” said Independent executive Andrew Mullins.

The new paper will cost 20p in the UK and 30c in the RoI. When ShelfLife enquired about the Irish trade margin of the new daily, a representative of Independent Print Ltd said: “I believe it’s going to be 25%, that’s what it is in the UK at the moment.”

ShelfLife understands from industry sources that the new paper has achieved good readership in the UK but had significant distribution difficulties when it was first launched there in October 2010. A lot of independent newsagents allegedly complained that they could not get enough or any supplies of the new paper.

i will be distributed in the RoI by Newspread.  



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