My Favourite…by Sally Aughney

Sally Aughney of The Wine Centre Kilkenny, writes about her favourite drinks
15 May 2012
Being a huge wine lover, working at The Wine Centre can sometimes be dangerous! I attended a wine course with Mary Gaynor in 2011 and ever since I’ve found my palate to be a lot more discerning. Every Friday evening I visit The Wine Centre on John’s Street, ostensibly to check how promotions are going, but I always end up browsing and coming away with a bottle or two!
On my hit list at the moment is the delicious Le Versant Viognier, a fruity white from the Languedoc-Roussillon region. It’s strong for a white, but it’s so crisp and delicious I find it always pleases at dinner parties.
St Laurent Cote de Rhone is another French wine that I’m loving recently, with its fuller body and smokier aftertaste. A glass of this is great with dinner or on its own.
For warmer weekends, I always pick up a few bottles of Savanna Cider, a dry cider from South Africa that’s great for enjoying at barbeques or picnics. It packs a bit of a kick so you have to sip slowly, which usually isn’t a problem during the long evenings.
I wouldn’t normally drink lager, but am partial to a pint of Guinness every so often and lately my boyfriend and I have been sampling the fabulous Black Rock stout from the Dungarvan Brewing Company. I’m from Waterford originally so it’s great to see a Waterford company producing such smooth blends and doing well.
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