M&S Ireland calls on volunteers to ‘Spark Something Good’
4 September 2015
Marks & Spencer Ireland has launched Spark Something Good, an initiative which aims to inspire and motivate its employees and customers to improve the lives of others by donating time to their local community. Spark Something Good Dublin will see the completion of 24 projects over seven days across the city and M&S is calling upon volunteers to get involved, aiming to inspire them to grab a shovel or pick up a paintbrush and take action for social good.
Projects to be completed over the course of the week include transforming the playground of Scoil Eoin in Killbarrack with a colourful mural, hosting a skills workshop with charity Dress for Success, renovating the performance hall of the Artane Boys’ Band and painting and decorating a brand new centre for Pieta House.
A newly created Spark Something Good website has been developed in partnership with the social network for social good, Neighbourly.com. The site shows the local fundraising and volunteering opportunities that every M&S store is involved in. Those wishing to participate can sign up here: http://corporate.marksandspencer.com/sparksomethinggooddublin.
M&S aims to spark its 750,000 Irish customers into action by showing what can be achieved when people come together united by a common goal. Spark Something Good was launched in London in July and transformed 24 community projects around the UK capital in just 24 hours. A further 24 cities across Ireland and the UK will take part over the next two years, with Dublin being the second city to be chosen. M&S developed Spark Something Good following extensive research and dialogue which revealed that getting involved in community projects enhanced people’s lives.
Head of Marks & Spencer Ireland, Alison Grainger, said the group was “really excited” about the initiative, stating: “Helping others on a voluntary basis can make a profound difference, not only to the communities in which the volunteers serve, but also for the volunteers themselves.”
Spark Something Good is part of Plan A, M&S’s sustainable business plan which was launched in 2007 to tackle issues such as climate change, waste, raw materials, health and being a fair partner.
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