Marketing Bites
14 September 2015
Back to School Survey
Reep Rewards, the data and insights business, has publised the results of an extensive “back-to-school” survey on shopper behaviour. On a normal week, families remain loyal to their preferred store when doing the main shop.
However, when it came to preparing for back-to-school Reep saw a change in shopper behaviour, with more
families shifting their main shop to Dunnes Stores. The principal driver for this change in retailer appears to be
uniforms. According to the Reep survey, almost 50% of respondents nominated Dunnes stores as their preferred
choice for uniforms.
To learn more about Reep and its survey results, visit
Chia Bia’s unique selling point
It’s rare that a food company would be proud of its product being tasteless, but that’s exactly what Chia bia are proud of with their chia seeds. Being taste-free but packed full of healthy goodness, including a source of Omega-3, high in fibre and gluten-free, makes Chia Bia perfect for sprinkling over breakfast cereal, porridge, including in a smoothie or over a salad.
To learn more visit
Fyffes go bananas for Dundalk FC
Banana company Fyffes has launched a new video campaign telling the story of Dundalk FC, with which it aims to expand its Irish and international fanbase. The short, which follows a similar video from last year, examines the importance of the club in the local area through interviews with the dedicated supporters.
Click here to see the video:
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