Kara – a nightclubbing Stella Award nominee

The Stella Awards pay tribute to the most outlandish lawsuits in the US courts each year.

Kara Walton, of Claymont, Delaware, became one of the increasing number of nominees for a Stella Award in the US when she tried to sue a nightclub owner in a nearby city. She’d fallen from the bathroom window in the nightclub to the floor, knocking out her two front teeth at journey’s end.



25 March 2013

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What was she doing on the window of the nightclub’s bathroom?

Simply trying to sneak into the club via the ladies’ toilets to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge of course.

A laughable case, one would have thought. Then prepare to hold your sides in mirth extremis.

She won her case.
The jury awarded her $12,000 damages plus dental expenses!

But just what are the Stella Awards?

No, they’re not what you think, a Bulmers-sponsored trade award.

In fact, the Stella Awards have been named after 81 year-old Sella Liebeck who managed to spill hot coffee on herself when she took the lid off her coffee cup and put the opened cup between here knees – while driving a vehicle.
Armed with no more than scalded knees and high dudgeon, Stella successfully sued MacDonald’s in New Mexico where she’d bought the coffee and became the eponymous first recipient of the Stella Awards which pay tribute to the most outlandish lawsuits in the US courts each year.

It could never happen here….. could it?



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