Fortifying with folic acid is not necessary

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Paul McGrath (©INPHO/Ben Brady)

Scientists at DCU have found evidence supporting the claim that it is unnecessary to fortify Irish food with folic acid as food manufacturers have already done so


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11 September 2009

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Studies carried out at Dublin City University have backed up earlier Government research that suggests mandatory fortification of the Irish food supply with folic acid is unnecessary.

According to the recent work, persistently present levels of unmetabolised folic acid found in the population indicate that introducing mandatory fortification may even result in an ‘overdosing’ effect.

Furthermore, the article, which is published in the journal BMC Public Health, says that food manufacturers have already added enough folic acid so as to maintain acceptable levels in blood donors, new mothers and babies included in the study.

DCU’s Dr Mary Rose Sweeney commented: “A recent study has suggested excessive folic acid consumption may increase the risk of prostate cancer and more severe adenorectal carcinoma reccurrence.”

She added that the mandatory increase proposed by the FSAI would lead to an increase in already present levels of around 12%. The effects of an increase are unknown but “should continue to be of concern” say the researchers.



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