First draft of proposed Producer Funded Deposit & Return Scheme delivered by manufacturers

Fair and adequate compensation for shop owners is a key commitment made in the first outline of the proposed new scheme
9 March 2021
Bottle and can producers have delivered the first draft of the Producer Funded Deposit & Return Scheme
According to independent retailers’ group RGDATA, fair and adequate compensation for shop owners is one of the key commitments made in the first outline of what such a scheme would look like.
RGDATA has said it will continue to engage with the Beverage Council and the Sub Committee on the DRS Scheme set up by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment on the design of the scheme which must be in place so that Ireland can meet increased EU recycling and recovery targets in 2025.
The CSNA has been asked to be one of the three retailing groups charged with assisting in the design of this scheme in a ‘working group’ on the subject.
“We are of the belief that for this scheme to work it needs to ensure that all retailers large and small are accommodated and also rewarded for their participation,” the CSNA told ShelfLife.
“There are many aspects of the scheme that will require teasing out, not least of which are the actual objectives, the budget, the timescales, how border control is implemented and how machines are to be paid for,” the CSNA added.
“These matters will no doubt be fully teased out in discussions leading, one would hope, to a scheme that makes for a better environment without costing the earth!”
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