Evoke.ie joins Extra.ie as FAI Cup sponsors
26 August 2021
Evoke.ie, the premier website for Irish women, will sponsor the FAI Women’s Senior Cup for the next two years in the first dedicated sponsorship deal for the historic and prestigious competition.
The Football Association of Ireland’s latest announcement follows on from confirmation that Extra.ie will continue its sponsorship of the FAI Cup for another two seasons.
Evoke.ie and Extra.ie, part of DMG Media, Ireland’s largest publisher of digital content, will now work alongside the FAI to further enhance the senior Cup competitions.
The innovative Evoke.ie FAI Women’s Cup and The Extra.ie FAI Cup sponsorship deals were officially launched today at the FAI’s Abbottstown Headquarters by DMG Media Ireland CEO Paul Henderson and FAI CEO Jonathan Hill alongside some of Ireland’s top players.
Speaking at the launch, DMG Media Ireland CEO Paul Henderson said: “It is with great pride that we announce our sponsorship of both the Evoke.ie FAI Women’s Cup and the Extra.ie FAI Cup today.
“We are particularly delighted to be the first standalone brand to sponsor the FAI Women’s Cup in its own right,” he added. “This competition has grown in stature in recent years and we are proud that Ireland’s leading website for women is now associated with the Evoke.ie FAI Women’s Cup. Sport has never been more important in all of our lives and we are recognising this with the campaign #strongerwithsport which will run during the build-up to the finals.”
FAI chief executive officer Jonathan Hill also welcomed the news, noting: “Evoke.ie and Extra.ie are at the forefront of the digital media landscape in Ireland and we are delighted to be associated with them as we continue to explore digital transformation within the FAI in this, our centenary year.
“Extra.ie and DMG Media Ireland have been great partners to the FAI Senior Cup in recent years and we are excited to have Evoke.ie join them now as the first standalone sponsors of our FAI Women’s Senior Cup,” Hill added.
“I thank Paul and all his team for their ongoing support of our game and faith in the FAI as a sponsorship partner and I look forward to working closely with them for the next two years around these historic and prestigious FAI Cup competitions.”
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