EM News must consult retailers on carriage charges review: RGDATA
RGDATA wants EM News to meet with a delegation from the association in the New Year before making any changes to carriage charges
16 December 2015
RGDATA has called on EM News not to implement any changes to carriage charges before consulting independent shop owners.
Retailers received a letter from EM News on 4 December notifying them that an “annual review of carriage charges” was to take place. Shop owners then contacted RGDATA to see if the association could arrange a meeting to have their views heard as part of the review.
“RGDATA had sought a meeting with EM News but our members were unable to attend in the weeks running up to Christmas as they are the busiest of the year in the retail sector,” director general Tara Buckley said. “RGDATA is urging EM News to defer any changes in carriage charges until they have consulted shop owners and met with an RGDATA delegation in the New Year.”
Buckley has written to EM News seeking details of the format the review is going to take and if the views of shop owners will be included in the review process.
“In the meantime we have specifically asked EM News not to make any changes to carriage charges until retailers’ views have been heard,” Buckley said.
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