CSNA Irish magazine initiative

It's important to highlight Irish products in-store
It's important to highlight Irish products in-store

Magazines Ireland and the CSNA have teamed up to launch a new initiative to promote Irish magazines



19 October 2011

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It's important to highlight Irish products in-store

It’s important to highlight Irish products in-store

None of our members, their families and their staff have been unaffected by the current economic malaise.  We need to be positive and forward-thinking in seeking solutions that will benefit our businesses and our nation’s economy.

There are significant numbers of people involved in the Irish magazine publishing industry that depend almost exclusively upon the income raised via sales and advertising for their livelihood.  As retailers, we can assist an important part of Ireland’s economy by highlighting the Irish nature of these products.

CSNA has recently teamed up with Magazines Ireland to trial a number of marketing and merchandising initiatives. “Treat yourself to an Irish magazine” is the basic simple message, reinforced by shelf edge labels, stickers for the magazines and posters.  We are confident that the results of these trials will display proof to our general memberships that support for Irish magazines will help their bottom line as well as prevent Irish job losses in the wider sector. 



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