Carlsberg pushes friendship to the limits

OK, gotta hand it to Carlsberg for their latest marketing wheeze... It’s new online campaign, ‘Carlsberg puts friendship to the test’, has just been released on You Tube to be supported by significant digital marketing and PR.
14 March 2013
No stranger to catchy “That calls for a Carlsberg” punchline, the brand has pushed the envelope with this, the latest development which puts friends to the ultimate test of friendship via a real life, high drama setup, caught (once again) on hidden cameras.
Receiving a call in the middle of the night by their best friend who finds himself in a sticky gambling situation, Carlsberg puts friendship to the test watches as the unsuspecting ‘victim’ is phoned in the middle of the night and asked to bring a substantial sum of money to the poker table to see how far they’d go for their friend.
Led down dark alleys in unsalubrious districts and searched by beefy bodyguards, Calrsberg puts unsuspecting friends to the test by placing volunteers’ best mates into the ultimate, dramatic and nerve-wracking situation, calling on them to muster all their courage to see just how far they’d go to help their friend.
It’s all there to be got through in the video: the ‘fight club’ atmosphere, the fire-filled street vendor’s wok, mean-looking characters and chancers, being stuck in a lift with dodgy vendors of edible insects on a stick…… reward comes to those who persevere!
Carlsbergs all round…..
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