Bewley’s expands fairtrade in Nicaragua

The coffee expert is now purchasing 65% more Fairtrade certified coffee beans from the Soppexcca Farmers Co-operative of Jinotega in Nicaragua.
16 March 2010
A sustainable future for coffee producing communities in Nicaragua was further underpinned recently as the Minister of State for Overseas Development, Peter Power T.D., and the Nicaraguan Ambassador, Ricardo Alvarado announced a 65% increase in Fairtrade certified coffee purchases by Bewley’s from the Soppexcca Farmers Co-operative of Jinotega in Nicaragua.
The development ensures a further $1 million contract for Soppexcca in addition to an existing $1.5 million three year deal announced by Bewley’s in 2008. The move forms part of Bewley’s long standing policy of direct partnership with coffee growers.
Soppexcca particularly supports the involvement of women in society and the economy. With this new deal, Irish coffee lovers will now enjoy over seven million cups of fairtrade certified coffee sourced from Soppexcca in addition to Bewley’s other ethical supply arrangements in Nicaragua and Central America.
As part of Fairtrade Fortnight which ran from the 22 February – 7 March, the Minister and Ambassador also unveiled, and added their signatures to, ‘The Big Swap Wall’ at Bewley’s Grafton Street Café, where customers are invited to sign their support for fairtrade. For each signature received on the wall, Bewley’s will donate €1 directly to the purchase of new coffee milling equipment by Soppexcca. Members of the public can also sign the wall on Bewley’s facebook page at
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