ASAI seeks consultation on extension of digital remit

The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland has released a consultation document on a proposed extension of remit of the advertising self-regulatory Code in relation to digital media.
14 June 2012
In 2009, the ASAI’s remit was extended to advertisers’ own websites and the current proposal builds on that change.
Increasingly, advertisers are engaging with consumers on social media platforms in non-paid for space, which is traditionally outside the remit of the Code.
The ASAI is of the view however that where marketing claims are made, these should be within remit of the Code.
The Association is therefore consulting widely and the consultation document is available on its website
The growth and diversity associated with digital media means that in order for the exercise to be real and meaningful it needs to hear from a varied sample of those who interact with the media in all areas of marketing communications. This includes advertisers, agencies, media companies, commentators and the end-consumer.
The consultation period will close on 9th July.
Responses can be sent by e-mail to or in the alternative by post to:
Orna Curry,
Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland,
Ferry House,
48 Lower Mount Street,
Dublin 2.
For further information please contact, Orla Twomey or Orna Curry on 01-6137040.
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