Irish people more likely to shop locally now, than one year ago

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Research found 75% of shoppers in Ireland prefer buying from people they know



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12 October 2020

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Four in five shoppers in Ireland are now more likely to shop in their local communities than they were a year ago, according to new research released by Mastercard Ireland.

At 58%, the most popular reason for the increased love for shopping local is to help local communities bounce back. A total of 29% said they are shopping locally to reestablish or form new relationships with local shopkeepers and independent stores, and another 20% said their reason for shopping local is that they trust recommendations from people in the community.

Further, 79% of people in Ireland said they have a new found appreciation of their communities and local shops since the onset of Covid-19, with convenience (59%), limits on travel (55%) and queues for supermarkets (37%) as the top three reasons for people rediscovering shops on their doorstep.

Three in four people (75%) said they prefer to buy from someone they know, and 78% trust recommendations made by local shopkeepers.

“The way we shop has changed, and as well as an increase in online and contactless spending, we have seen a trend of people opting to shop locally,” said Sonya Geelon, country manager at Mastercard Ireland. “Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and many are rediscovering the huge number of great, varied and unique shops in their local communities and neighborhoods.

“It is clear that local retailers have a major role to play in providing goods and services, but they also play an integral and broader role supporting local people and fostering community spirit. The bounce back of the economy starts on our doorstep and local shops and communities play an enormous role in aiding the recovery and return to growth.”

The research also revealed that the local post offices, pubs, schools, parks and corner shops are the top five staples of a modern community.



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